Project: Spazio Modello
Typology: Workspace renovation study
Site: Roma
Size: 12 sqm
Year: 2018
Designer: La Macchina Studio
Client: Carnets Magazine
Credits: Matteo Rosco ph.

The project aims to investigate on the current Architecture landscape in Europe, in the light of the last 10 years of economic and social crisis, after which the discipline has been reinvented and the figure of the Architect with it.

An investigation on the different ways of doing Architecture that are rising in the old continent, with the aim to map, inquire, get to know the new possibilities available for the Architect, and to trace the new boundaries that the practice of Architecture is defining.

"Spazio Modello" is a 1:25 scale self-built model of a self-built workspace.
"Spazio Modello" is our workspace.